The Fox as a Guide
The Fox has a highly developed sense of smell. As an animal spirit guide, the Fox will help you to recognize subtle things in life and make you alert to unpleasant situations.
A Fox is very quite and blends into its surroundings becoming almost invisible. Being in harmony with ones surroundings is important to people who carry this medicine. For those with this animal spirit guide, try being very quiet and practice blending in without notice - especially if you have a powerful presence around others.
The Fox has super-sensitive hearing - so you may also be able to hear Spirit. Listening is often more important than speaking - a good lesson to remember.
Mr. Fox comes out of hiding at dusk-twilight the time and often hunts under the cover of darkness. His keen eyesight is a gift that may teach you too see beyond your present situation and to be able to see Spirit.
By living between light and darkness, the Fox looks into both worlds.
The Fox is physically and mental quick and extremely agile which can teach you ways to respond quickly to situations by using the power of inner instincts and knowing.
A Fox teaches good eating habits - not from what it eats, but from the way it eats. The fox eats small amounts frequently. The Fox is not a picky eater and readily accepts whatever is available.